Best Option
Vehicle Parts:
The MMWA curbside solid waste collection program is intended for the disposal of residential household trash. Car parts are not included in the program, and should not be placed at the curb for collection. The program will also not accept any recreational vehicles, including motorcycles, jet skis, ATVs, snowmobiles, and boats, or any parts from these vehicles. Many of the items not allowed in the curbside program can be brought to the landfill and disposed of for a fee. There is one operating landfill in Saginaw County. Please call ahead for verification of material acceptance, disposal charges and hours of operation.
People’s Landfill
4143 E Rathburn Rd
Birch Run (Taymouth Twp)
(989) 341-7251
Each summer, Saginaw County Mosquito Abatement hosts tire collections for Saginaw County residents. For more information on dates and locations, call the Saginaw County Mosquito Abatement Commission, 989-755-5751 or visit,
Used motor oil:
If motor oil bottles are completely empty, they may be disposed of in the trash. Do not place them in your recycling container. Leftover motor oil is considered a hazardous waste and cannot be placed at the curb as trash. Motor oil can be dropped off at one of MMWA’s Household Hazardous Waste events. There are no other hazardous waste disposal programs offered in Saginaw County. Call our office at (989) 781-9555 or check here for the latest drop off dates.