city of Frankenmuth

Trash, recyclables, and yard waste are collected on the same day.

All materials must be placed at the curb by 7:00 am on your designated trash day. Materials that are not at the curb when collection vehicles go by will not be picked up that week. Residents should leave space between trash, recyclable, and yard waste containers so that the collection crews can properly identify and pick up materials easier and faster.

When a major holiday falls on a weekday, collection days will be delayed by one day.

For example, if Christmas Day is on a Wednesday, collection services for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be delayed one day. Holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday do NOT delay collection services. Mid Michigan Waste Authority’s observed holidays are: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

Read details about:


Residents should use trash bags up to 55 gallons in size or cans (rigid plastic container with handles) between 20-35 gallons in size. Container and contents should weigh less than 50 pounds.

  • Residents should have their trash out by 7:00 am on their regular collection day. If your properly prepared materials were out by 7:00 am but not picked up, please leave them out until they are serviced.
  • Report all missed collections on your service day or before 5:00 pm the next business day by calling MMWA. Each resident has a one business day window to report a missed pick-up.
  • Trash bags or containers that contain contamination such as yard waste will not be collected. If you see a yellow sticker, it probably means your materials are improperly prepared.
  • Holidays that fall on weekdays cause collection to be delayed one day for that day and the following service days for the rest of that week. MMWA observes the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.


The following items are able to be recycled in MMWA member communities. All items should be placed loose into a can (rigid plastic container with handles) up to 45 gallons in size labeled with a recyclables only sticker or the 18 gallon bin. Containers and contents should weigh less than 50 pounds.

  • Cans
  • Cartons
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Paper and cardboard
  • Plastic bottles, jugs, and tubs

Yard Waste

  • City of Frankenmuth residents have seasonal yard waste.

All yard waste materials must be placed in paper yard waste bags or in 20 gallon or smaller garbage cans with handles that have a “Yard Waste” sticker affixed to the front of the can. Yard waste stickers are available at City Hall and if you’re purchasing a can, at GilRoy’s and True Value.

MMWA Trustee

Bridget Smith

City of Frankenmuth has weekly recycling.

2025 City of Frankenmuth calendar